Our Pastors
Robert & Tammy Campbell
Pastor Robert
is a teacher at heart who preaches the word with authority. The word of God and his own life experiences serve as the launchpad for his ministry of mentorship and discipleship. Like his wife, he has a desire to provide balanced ministry to people – men in particular. Speaking seasoned words with loving insight, Robert has a penchant for speaking into men of all ages. He ministers in a way that addresses their physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional needs. For Robert, one-on-one mentoring and community is the chief effective strategy for discipling men. These one-on-one sessions can include praying together, conversations over coffee or lunch, or workout sessions in the gym. For Robert, mind, body, spirit, and the heart, are all connected and not one of them can be neglected in a man. He holds a Stephen Ministry license. He is a man dedicated to service. Robert can often anticipate a need before it’s made known, and is always the first one to spring into action without reservation. He’s carefully observant and relishes opportunities to help anyone in need, ever ready to pray for them as he is a prayer warrior as well.